Hey there! Lesley here. I’m the founder of the founder of MTL Detours Montreal Walking Tours and I’m really happy to share the very excited news that I’m featured in a cool new book called “How Canada Works: The People Who Make Our Nation Thrive.” Written by #1 bestselling authors Peter Mansbridge, respected journalist and former chief correspondent for CBC News, and Mark Bulgutch, journalist, producer and author. I grew up watching Peter Mansbridge as the anchor on the CBC News nightly broadcast The National and needless to say that I was thrilled beyond belief when I was contacted to be part of his new book project.

In “How Canada Works,” Mansbridge and Bulgutch talk about jobs that often go unnoticed. The book is a collection of first-person narratives that shed light on the unique individuals and professions that contribute to the functioning and prosperity of Canada. The book celebrates the diversity and vitality of the country by highlighting its unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes. It’s not your typical Canada book— it showcases people who make Canada great by doing everyday jobs with kindness and empathy. It’s truly personal and heartwarming.
Yep, I’m in the book! I’m featured for the profession of “Tour Guide”! Being featured in this book is such an incredible honour and I’m grateful for the acknowledgement of the significant role that tour guides like myself play in promoting Montreal’s rich heritage and in creating memorable moments for visitors. We tour guides are committed to sharing its history, culture, and stories with others and providing unforgettable experiences for locals and tourists alike.
If you’re intrigued by my story and by those of your fellow Canadians who make Canada work, grab yourself a copy of the book! It’s available as of today, November 21st, at local bookshops and online at Canadian bookseller Indigo. Not only will it give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of Canada, but it will also support the work and passion of the dedicated people working hard to make it the incredible nation it is!
If you want to explore Montreal with me and my awesome team, book your MTL Detours walking tour experience right here at www.mtldetours.ca. Our tours are fun and informative, showing you the best of Montreal. We keep groups small (only 10 people!) to give you an extra personal experience. We are passionate locals who love their city and we’re committed to making your tour engaging and memorable. See our rave reviews from past guests here. Contact us to set up your unique experience and let’s discover the heart and soul of Montreal together!